Able Town


Story by Scott Emmons
Art by Donna Van Hooser

The residents of Able Town may have autism, Down syndrome, or other disabilities, but that doesn’t stop them from living happy, rewarding lives. This coloring book offers a simple but empowering story about characters with various physical and mental challenges working, socializing, and participating in their community. Charming illustrations by Donna Van Hooser provide plenty of coloring fun to help draw kids into the world of these vibrant characters.

Able Town is based on a real-life nonprofit organization called The Mission Project. Located in the city of Mission, Kansas, The Mission Project enables capable adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live independently and safely in their own apartments with individualized support. Proceeds from the sale of this book will go toward helping the Mission Project provide its many valuable services.

Able Town is also available as a digital download for a reduced price at Gumroad.

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